Queens Medical Centre

Opening hours Monday to Friday (8am to 6pm)

Lynton Health Centre

Monday, Wednesday and Friday (8am to


Queens Medical Centre

Opening hours Mon to Fri (8am to 6pm)

Mental Health


You can book an appointment with a clinician to discuss your mental health issues.  The practice manages a variety of conditions from depression to work related stress.  The clinician can also refer patients to mental health services where clinically required.  


Patients can also self-refer to Livewell Southwest and certain if they are:


  • Experiencing depression, anxiety or PTSD
  • Aged 16 years and over
  • Ready to start working on your problems and able to attend regular appointments
  • Registered with a GP in Plymouth
  • Not currently receiving support from other mental health service


Click here to self refer or call 01752 435502.